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so long, london

so long, london

[WAV/MP3] -45.3M

分享时间:2024-06-29 09:37:18



so long, london歌词:

作词 : Taylor Swift/Aaron Dessner
作曲 : Taylor Swift/Aaron Dessner
So long, London 我在脑中瞥见 彩色小灯穿过薄雾
So long, London 我保持清醒 并承担分歧的重量
So long, London 每当他开始飘离 我会将他拉得紧些
I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist 承担你我得重量爬上山坡 令我脊柱断裂
I kept calm and carried the weight of the rift 衣裳被全然浸透 寒风刺痛我疲惫的骨头
Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away 我不再试图令他欢笑
My spine split from carrying us up the hill 不再尝试撬开保险箱
Wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill 思索着 你觉得我内心蕴藏着多少悲伤呢
I stopped trying to make him laugh, stopped trying to drill the safe 你觉得 我能忍受多少呢
Thinking how much sad did you think I had 噢 悲剧一场...
Did you think I had in me? 所以 再见 伦敦
Oh, the tragedy 你终会寻得某人
So long, London 并非是我选择成为你的异类
Youll find someone 我创立了一间俱乐部 而她听着很心动
I didnt opt in to be your odd man out 我离开了我熟悉的一切
I founded the club shes heard great things about 你将我留在希斯公园旁的一栋房子里
I left all I knew, you left me at the house by the Heath 我终止了心肺复苏 毕竟它终究无用
I stopped CPR, after all, its no use 灵体已然飘离 我们再也无法回到从前
The spirit was gone, we would never come to 我生气的是 你令我无偿奉献了所有的青春
And Im pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free 再见了 伦敦
For so long, London 缝线松解
Stitches undone 两座坟墓 一把枪
Two graves, one gun 我终会寻得某人...
Ill find someone 而你说是我遗弃了船
And you say I abandoned the ship 但我那时 不过在向下漂流
But I was going down with it 我用发白的指节
My white-knuckle dying grip 紧握你那静默的怨恨
Holding tight to your quiet resentment 我朋友们说 你不该害怕
And my friends said it isnt right to be scared 每日的风流韵事
Every day of a love affair 当你不确定 他是否想在此
Every breath feels like rarest air 每一口呼吸 循环的都会是稀薄的空气
When youre not sure if he wants to be there 思索着 你觉得我内心蕴藏着多少悲伤呢
So how much sad did you think I had 你觉得 我能忍受多少呢
Did you think I had in me? 多少悲剧呢
How much tragedy? 你以为 在我自爆之前
Just how low did you think Id go 在我 不得不离开之前
Before Id self-implode? 我会陷得有多低?
Before Id have to go be free? 你发誓 你爱我
You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? 但为何我无法寻得一丝踪迹
I died on the altar waiting for the proof 我在祭坛上等待证据时 悄然离世
You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days 你将我们 献祭给了你那些最为忧郁时日
And Im just getting color back into my face 而我也不在面容失色
Im just mad as hell cause I loved this place 我只是过于愤怒 因我曾爱着此处
For so long, London 再见了 伦敦
Had a good run 曾相处得不错
A moment of warm sun 在暖阳倾洒的那一刻
But Im not the one 但我并非那位命中注定
So long, London 再见了 伦敦
Stitches undone 缝线松解
Two graves, one gun 两座坟墓 一把枪
Youll find someone 你终会寻得某人...