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[WAV/MP3] -34.9M

分享时间:2024-06-28 16:17:52




作词 : 田小娟
作曲 : 田小娟/빅싼초(Yummy Tone)
编曲 : 빅싼초(Yummy Tone)/田小娟
Hey yo you know what? I waited for you, I only want you 嘿 你知道为何 我只等待你一人 因为我只想要你
They say I’m loca, but hey whatever I only want you 他们都说我疯了 但不管如何我只想要你
Running the red light, move it now left right, we going all night 在刺目红灯下驰骋 飘忽不定 我们彻夜狂欢
I’ll take you higher, set it on fire, you’re my desire 我将引领你到更高的地方 跨在火焰上 你是我的渴望之物
Uh oh what do you got to lose? Keep it going baby 你将失去什么呢 继续做下去吧
Falling down you & I, we can get caught up in the moment 你我一同坠入深渊 我们定能赶上这良辰
You like that? 你喜欢吗
Go go burn until there’s nothing left 燃烧吧 直到一切化为乌有
Cuz I don’t care about tomorrow no woah 因为我根本不会再过问明天
I love ya 这是我所爱
There ain’t nothing I won’t do for you, fall with me Lata 没有什么我不能为你做的 和我一起坠入爱河Lata
I love ya 这是我所爱
Dance the night away with me, let me sing for you Lata 与我彻夜共舞 允我为你歌唱Lata
I love ya 我爱这氛围
Latata latata latata latata
Latata latata latata latata
Sing for me until you’re burned in my memory Lata 为我高唱赞歌 直到你在我的记忆中焚毁
I love ya 这是我所爱
I love ya 这是我所爱
Every day every night latata 昼夜不停latata
I love ya 我深爱着
Every day every night latata 夜以继日latata
Don’t be lazy, come over baby 不要犯懒 靠过来吧baby
I’m only getting started, time is of the essence 我才刚刚启程 时间至关重要
I’ll open up, you can go a little deeper, drink it up 我会为你敞开 再深入一点 狂饮吧
And you can keep going ‘til you’re dizzy 你可以尽管做下去直至头晕眼花
Tear it up, tear it up, sing it Latata 撕毁 撕毁 为Latata高歌
They don’t know what to say going dot dot dot 他们无言以对 那就住嘴吧
Ready or not, we’re making it hot 准备就绪与否 我们都让气氛火辣起来
The jealousy feels good to me 嫉妒对我而言真好啊
Muah muah muah
Uh oh how far do you wanna go with me? 你想同我共行多远
Keep on moving ‘til the sun rise, yeah we can get crazy 继续前行直至旭日东升 我们为此疯狂
You like that? 你喜欢吗
Go go burn until there’s nothing left 纵使燃烧殆尽
Cuz I don’t care about tomorrow no woah 因为我要放浪形骸 不计后果
I love ya 我对此十分享受
There ain’t nothing I won’t do for you, fall with me Lata 我不会为你付出一丝一毫 拥我堕落吧Lata
I love ya 我对此十分享受
Dance the night away with me, let me sing for you Lata 与我彻夜共舞 允我为你歌唱Lata
I love ya 我就是喜欢 怎么着
Latata latata latata latata
Latata latata latata latata
Sing for me until you’re burned in my memory Lata 为我高唱赞歌 直到你在我的记忆中焚毁
I love ya
I love ya
Every day every night latata 不分昼夜latata
I love ya
Every day every night latata 通宵达旦latata
Hey yo you know what? I waited for you, I only want you 嘿 你知道为何 我只等待你一人 因为我只想要你
They say I’m loca, but hey whatever I only want you 他们都说我疯了 无论如何我都只想要你一个呀
Running the red light, move it now left right, we going all night 在刺目红灯下驰骋 飘忽不定 我们彻夜狂欢
I’ll take you higher, set it on fire, you’re my desire 我将引领你到更高的地方 跨在火焰上 你是我的渴望之物
I love ya 这是我所爱
Every day every night latata 没日没夜latata
I love ya 这是我所爱
Every day every night latata 连明连夜 latata