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call you tonight

call you tonight

[WAV/MP3] -43.3M

分享时间:2024-08-12 15:06:20



call you tonight歌词:

编曲 : Johnta Austin
作词 : Johnta Austin/Tor Erik Hermansen/Mikkel Storleer Eriksen
作曲 : Johnta Austin/Tor Erik Hermansen/Mikkel Storleer Eriksen
The stars must be aligned tonight 星光今夜交相辉映
I believe this has to have a meaning 相信其中自有深意
Lightning had to strike tonight 闪电必将划破夜空
Cause the two of us are finally meeting 我们注定相遇邂逅
In this place at this time 此时此地,此时此刻
And I feel safe when I look in your eyes 你温柔目光是我心安所在
I feel like I know you from another life 我俩似曾相识如前世安排
And It makes me wish I wasnt so pressed for time 我祈求时间不要流逝太快
I cant catch my breath cause you take it away 我气咽声丝全因你的存在
The best writer in town ,could not find words to say 全城最好的作家,也难以言状
How theres so many things I wanna get to know 我渴望了解的事,竟连山排海
I wish that I could stay but I got to go 我多想流连此地,却身不由己
So Imma call you tonight 所以今晚我会和你联络
I will baby, just as soon as I get time alone 等我挤出些许独处时间
Im gonna call you tonight, I will baby 所以今晚我会和你联络
Just as soon as I get home 等我归心似箭踏进家门
Thats the way it goes in life 朝露溘至,就是如此
You get busy when you just dont wanna 纷繁之事,迫不得已
Theres never enough time day or night 相聚的时光总是弹指之间
You have to make it so baby, Im gonna 亲爱的你不得不墨守成规
Make a way to connect 我会竭尽所能和你保持联络
Cause your face is what I cant forget 因为你俊美脸庞我永生难忘
I feel like I know you from another life 我俩似曾相识如前世安排
And It makes me wish I wasnt so pressed for time 我祈求时间不要流逝太快
I cant catch my breath cause you take it away 我气咽声丝全因你的存在
The best writer in town ,could not find words to say 全城最好的作家,也难以言状
How theres so many things I wanna get to know 我渴望了解的事,竟连山排海
I wish that I could stay but I got to go 我多想流连此地,却身不由己
So Im gonna call you tonight 所以今晚我会和你联络
I will baby, just as soon as I get time alone 当我挤出些许独处时间
Im gonna call you tonight, I will baby 所以今晚我会和你联络
Just as soon as I get home 当我归心似箭踏进家门
Destiny, I believe in it 我相信这是命运的安排
Meant to be, dont you see its possible 你难道不想奇迹发生吗
That for this kind of magic anything can happen 这种魔力让一切皆有可能
And if you wanna know then stay by the phone 欲知其为何物就等我来电
You stay by the phone ,Ohhhhhh 在电话旁静静等着就好
I cant catch my breath cause you take it away 我气咽声丝全因你的存在
The best writer in town could not find words to say 每次无言以对都情有可原
How theres so many things I wanna get to know 我渴望了解的事,竟连山排海
I wish that I could stay but I got to go 我多想流连此地,却身不由己
So Im gonna call you tonight 所以今晚我会和你联络
I will baby, just as soon as I get time alone 当我挤出些许独处时间
Im gonna call you tonight, I will baby 所以今晚我会和你联络
Just as soon as I get home 当我归心似箭踏进家门