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addicted to love

addicted to love

[WAV/MP3] -56.7M

分享时间:2024-06-30 14:16:50



addicted to love歌词:

Addicted To Love - 张惠妹 (aMEI)
Written by:R. PALMER
Your lights are on but youre not home 家里灯火通明 但你却不在这里
Your mind is not your own 你早已魂不守舍
Your heart sweats your body shakes 你的身心止不住颤抖
Another kiss is what it takes 你只想再要一个真情的吻
You cant sleep you cant eat 你夜不能寐 食不知味
Theres no doubt youre in deep 毫无疑问 你深陷爱河之中
Your throat is tight you cant breathe 仿佛被扼住喉咙 你就要窒息
Another kiss is all you need 你只需要一个真情的吻
Ohh oohh
You like to think that youre immune to the stuff oh yeah 你以为自己不会再爱了
Closer to the truth 这更接近现实
You know youre gonna have to face it 你要自己面对
Youre gonna have to face it 你总要面对
Youre addicted to love 你已深陷爱河
You see the signs but you cant read 你看到了蛛丝马迹 但你难以理解
Youre runnin at a different speed 你用不同的速度向前奔跑
You heart beats in double time 你的心跳加速
Another kiss and youll be mine one track mind 再给你一个吻 你会成为我的专属
You cant be saved 你会一心一意爱我 你已无可救药
And all your love is all you crave 再次坠入爱河就是你渴望的一切
If theres some left for you 如果你的内心爱意尚存
You dont mind if you do 你不必在意自己的所作所为
Ohh oohh
You like to think that youre immune to the stuff 你以为自己不会再爱了
Closer to the truth 这更接近现实
You know youre gonna have to face it 你要自己面对
Might as well face it 还是接受现实吧
Youre addicted to love 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Your lights are on but youre not home 家里灯火通明 但你却不在这里
Your mind is not your own 你早已魂不守舍
Your heart sweats and body shakes 你的身心止不住颤抖
Another kiss is what you take 你只想再要一个真情的吻
You cant sleep you cant eat 你夜不能寐 食不知味
Theres no doubt youre in deep 毫无疑问 你深陷爱河之中
Your throat is tight you cant breathe 仿佛被扼住喉咙 你就要窒息
Another kiss is all you need 你只需要一个真情的吻
You like to think that youre immune to the stuff 你以为自己不会再爱了
Closer to the truth 这更接近现实
You know youre gonna have to face it 你要自己面对
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it 还是接受现实吧
Might as well face it 还是接受现实吧
Might as well face it 还是接受现实吧
Might as well face it youre addicted to love 还是接受现实吧 你已深陷爱河
Might as well face it 还是接受现实吧
Might as well face it 还是接受现实吧